
About us

Welcome to St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church!

It was Saint Augustine who famously said: "Our hearts were made for you, O Lord, and our hearts will be restless until they rest in You!" The purpose of our Parish is to bring you that peace and rest by bringing to you the truth of Jesus Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.


- Your Parish Staff -

Fr. Rodger Fleming , Pastor

Fr. Vincent Nyman, Part Time Senior Associate Pastor
Deacon Ed Boyer , Parish Deacon
Deacon Terry Baldwin , Parish Deacon, RCIA & Adoration Chapel Coordinator
Emily Pagano , St. Rose School Principal

Natalie Woodrum - SRLS School Secretary
Susan Broombaugh - Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper

Pam Winckel - Assistant Parish Secretary
Sharon Missey , PSR Principal
Todd Kozloski, Maintenance
Carol Emmett , Parish Music Director


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